March 21, 2008

Mind your own business!

I was working away on the wedding dragonflies earlier today when who should land in my work basket but this nosey ladybug. As you can see, the dragonflies were in no condition to fight her off, so I gave her a little send-off with some of this--recently gifted to me by Tech Guy:
I just used a little spritz. Just enough to send her packing, but not enough for over-kill. I mean, who could hurt a ladybug?
The dragonflies are coming along nicely. The bodies are sewn and stuffed, but the wings require no sewing. They are made with a fusible product that allows me to iron two pieces of fabric together and then simply cut out the wing shapes. I'm keeping with the wedding colors, as requested by the bride-to-be and her mom. You know how moms can be about wedding plans. I'm using fabrics in shades of purple, lavender, silver/gray and white. And there might be one or two rebellious ones. Some will have pins applied, so they can be attached to a curtain later....or to a formal gown for wearing to the prom. Heh....heh.... Others will have a magnet attached, for affixing to the fridge, or to the dashboard. Oh wait. Aren't those all plastic now?
So tomorrow we're heading off to The City to celebrate BCG's birthday. My old friends back on the west coast really get a chuckle out of my references to the city. They also think it's funny when I talk about going out west. Earlier this week I had a visit from a friend who lives in the midwest, and she calls this out east. Now that's peculiar. It's strange what happens when a person moves from one part of the country to another. They finally learn how to drive in the snow, and the next thing you know they're talking funny.
Next time I'll share a few photos of the birthday gifts I've been working on for BCG this past week. I shouldn't have to alert the fire department, but I should probably hire a traffic cop.....

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