March 03, 2008

Lingering ladybugs

And just one more ladybug-related photo (or not)'s my friend's granddaughter in her new ladybug apron.
She looks pleased as punch. What a smile! But as usually happens with kids (and I mistakenly thought it was just teenagers), you just never know what they're gonna do. Seems she insisted on taking her apron home....rather than leaving it in her play kitchen at grandma's house.....because she likes to make cookies with her daddy. So, I'm thinking she needs a spare. I do admire a young woman who enjoys cooking in two kitchens though. I'm more of a make-reservations kind of gal.
Our return flight to Connecticut on Saturday was easy and efficient. I was able to embroider, except for during a short spell of turbulence over Colorado.....or a few bumps as pilots are calling it these days. Here's a photo I took (from my usual seat 17-A) as we passed over NYC. If you look closely you might be able to see Big City Girl bidding farewell to her brother at Grand Central. She took him to see this as a belated birthday present. They both liked it very much, but cautioned Mr. G and I that it might be too loud for a couple of old fogies.

So now we're home and pretty much settled back in. The weather is warming up and the snow is melting. I think I might be in the mood to make a few ladybugs.....


Anonymous said...

Cute kid....great apron! Let me know when you are un-lagged enough for a "road trip" to WEBS. The new LLBean store is on the way....just saying!

kathy b said...

Now you know i am a total airplane ninny. dont show me those wing shots in anyknid of weather.......
long live the ladybugs. you amaze me