May 11, 2007

Friday mishmash

I have no real blog subject for today, so I give you a mishmash....a word I've always been fond of ever since I sent out some handmade Christmas cards with a slightly tipsy Santa and a greeting of "Cherry Mishmash." That was back in my single days, when I was struggling to rid myself of the dreadful wholesome image.

I'm making some progress on the Plymouth sweater. I don't think I mentioned it's a cardigan, and I'm finished with the back and almost half way up one of the fronts. I know knitters talk about how wonderful certain yarns are to knit with, and now I understand. For me, this is one of those. It's Berroco's Peruvia, a 100% wool, in Denim Blue. I'm finding it hard to put down.

So yesterday I went on a little shopping trip in an effort to find a few items of clothing to fill in my wardrobe for the upcoming China trip. I was disappointed in the mall selections, although I did find one of those visor hats.....such a nice invention for those of us with plenty of head insulation. Mr. G. doesn't want to hear about it.

I will say that the shopping trip would have been totally unnecessary if I was just one of those gals who could maintain some sort of regular weight. A couple of years ago I lost 45 lbs. and got down to my goal, and I think I was there for about 10 minutes. Then there was a cruise, and the holidays, and.....well.....a few of those pounds found me.

The other day I was feeling rather depressed about it all so I took a trip over to Barnes and Noble in search of a new diet book I had read about on someone's blog. I figured maybe a new slant on the old problem would help. It was a good thing they were out of the book because I really knew there were no new slants, and it would have eventually ended up in the basement bookcase collecting dust with the others.

On the short ride home I was listening to the radio and happened to hear one of the radio psychologists tell a caller that the secret to weight loss is really very simple: East less; move more. For some reason, this struck me. Was it possible I've been making the whole diet thing too complicated? I decided right then and there to give this revolutionary new weight-loss program a try. Since then, I've been having smaller servings of everything and I'm taking short walks around the neighborhood in the evenings. My clothes are a little looser and I feel better. Maybe I should write a book. Nope. It would never sell. Too short.

So while I'm waiting for the eat-less-move-more results, I decided to work on a little sewing project yesterday. I made something for my cousin for her birthday. It's cute and whimsical, and I hope it will be useful. I put it in the mail today. A picture will be forthcoming after I know she's received it. I wouldn't want to spill the beans.

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