May 25, 2007

Almost airborne

Lorraine and I, and Mr. Gadget of course, are almost ready to take flight towards the west coast. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning, and as you might imagine, things are hectic here what with all the trip preps. In addition to packing and cleaning, I have to make sure Tech Guy has all of his instructions for minding the house while we're gone. You know, like making sure he rinses out the milk containers before putting them in the recycle bag....which may not go out to the curb til the week before we get home....heh...heh... I did tell him about a neat little trick for bringing the garbage can back up to the house, in hopes that he might take it out sometime before we get back 7 weeks from now. I told him if he puts it out on the correct side of the driveway, he could just roll his car window down, stick his arm out and give it a ride back up to the garage.

So Lorraine has been adopted by one of my friends in California. She'll be traveling out with us on the airplane which is cheating I know. I have no idea how long it would take her under her own power. Not to mention, she'd probably get pretty roughed up going over the Rockies and all. I hope she knows how lucky she is....

You may remember Ferna, my fern....the one I named after my grandmother--the one who taught me how to crochet. Ferna didn't fare too well when we traveled last time and I left her in the care of Tech Guy. I think he was busy with his ABC's..... So my neighbor, the one with kitties Henry and Clarence, and the bluebird couple nesting in her birdhouse, and the green thumb, has generously offered to do a little rehab. I'm almost embarrassed to take poor sad Ferna over there. People with shiny green thumbs don't understand those of us who occasionally abuse plants.

So I'd better sign off now and get back to my packing and cleaning and intermittent procrastinating. Oh, and a little bit of baking. Yesterday Tech Guy sent me a text message from work to ask if I might be willing to make some Snickers brownies for he and his office mates. And since I'm now a mom with text skills, I shot back a reply.

"Yes, if u prom to tk out the grbg."


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about trip preps! Certain people around here (well, Terry) think that getting ready for a trip is no big deal. Throw some clothes in a bag (well, at least I've trained him to pack his own) and go, right? Good thing OTHER PEOPLE remember to arrange for the mail, the trash, the cat sitter, the cleaning, turning off the hot water in the washing machine, setting up auto watering for the garden, unplugging the coffeemaker, clearing out the fridge, and......

Have a great time! I'll send good thoughts in the direction of your garbage can!

Anonymous said...

I expect that you will be here in CA by the time you read these comments. Hope you had a good trip with Lorraine and Mr. G.