May 30, 2007
May 29, 2007
Bagels at the Why Not
May 25, 2007
Almost airborne
So Lorraine has been adopted by one of my friends in California. She'll be traveling out with us on the airplane which is cheating I know. I have no idea how long it would take her under her own power. Not to mention, she'd probably get pretty roughed up going over the Rockies and all. I hope she knows how lucky she is....
You may remember Ferna, my fern....the one I named after my grandmother--the one who taught me how to crochet. Ferna didn't fare too well when we traveled last time and I left her in the care of Tech Guy. I think he was busy with his ABC's..... So my neighbor, the one with kitties Henry and Clarence, and the bluebird couple nesting in her birdhouse, and the green thumb, has generously offered to do a little rehab. I'm almost embarrassed to take poor sad Ferna over there. People with shiny green thumbs don't understand those of us who occasionally abuse plants.
So I'd better sign off now and get back to my packing and cleaning and intermittent procrastinating. Oh, and a little bit of baking. Yesterday Tech Guy sent me a text message from work to ask if I might be willing to make some Snickers brownies for he and his office mates. And since I'm now a mom with text skills, I shot back a reply.
"Yes, if u prom to tk out the grbg."
May 23, 2007
High-tech mom
Although my texting skills are improving, I can't do the one-handed thing yet, where you hold the phone and type out messages with your thumb. My children are very happy that I've taken up this activity. They can deliver a message to me now, and they know it will take me a long time to type out all of the related questions I'd like to ask. And if I do ask a question and they deem it too delving, they'll just tell me they didn't get it because they had moved into an area with no service.....
So Tech Guy had the unfortunate luck of getting a flat tire the other evening when he was out on one of his.....what I call "escapades." I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure he was on his way to see "Girl A" while possibly juggling "Girl B" and "Girl C" on his cell phone/text messages. Since I'm a mom with lots of wisdom (and all those gray hairs which have now been legally color-coated) I've warned him that this is not a good system, and that at some point the alphabet will turn on him. But I digress. Seems he wasn't too concerned about driving around with a useless spare, and when questioned about it said he really didn't have time to get it fixed.
Mr. Gadget, who was having a slow day in the home office, offered his rescue services. He's had lots of experience in this area. He took the sorry-looking thing down the street to the tire store where he found that, of course, it was too far gone for a fix seeing as how Tech Guy didn't realize it was flat and drove on it for a while. When Mr. G. got home he asked me if I wouldn't mind text-messaging TG. As it happened, we had been out of town on his last birthday.
"U have a new tire. Happy Birthday!"
May 21, 2007
Bag lady
I can only imagine this possible exchange if I were to be pulled over by the local police before my hair appointment on Wednesday:
"We really should write you a citation m'am, but we're only going to give you a warning this time," said the polite young officer.
"Why?" I asked. "What have I done?"
"It's the grey hair, m'am. You need to do something about that at your earliest convenience."
"I have an appointment," I tell him. "I hope Wednesday is soon enough."
"That's fine," he replies. "Sometimes with you older folks we see the grey hair and we know it's just a matter of time before you'll be driving with your turn signals on, or pulling out into traffic and slowing down. Sometimes you even hit the brakes for no apparent reason."
"Thanks for not giving me a ticket," I say.
"No problem, m'am. You have a nice day. And you might want to think about wearing a hat for a couple of days. Maybe keep a low profile, you know what I mean?"
May 17, 2007
New shoes
And it's with great regret that I must tell you that Dixie and I ended up parting ways. She was a very nice looking vacuum cleaner, but she was very finicky when it came to handling her duties on the heavier pile living room carpet. Mr. G. agreed to return her to the store, where I understand they took her back with no questions asked. They didn't even want to hear our complaints about Dixie, which makes me wonder if others have returned their Dixies too. So now I will have to rely on Betty the Bissell, who has been handling her upstairs vacuuming duties without a fuss. Wait til I tell her she has to work overtime.
So this morning I was fixing myself some breakfast while Mr. G, having just finished his exercise routine, was reading the newspaper. As I sat down at the table, he put the newspaper down and came over to join me, and we had the following chat:
"You really don't have to come over and sit with me," I said. "I know you're enjoying the newspaper."
"That's ok. The newspaper will be there when you're done."
"You're really a very nice guy."
"Are you going to write that in your blog?"
What can I say. It's a slow news day in blogdom.
May 16, 2007
Have a seat
May 14, 2007
Mother's Day....the review
And since I'm on the subject of cats, I thought I'd post a photo of this one. It was made many years ago by my sister out of paper mache.
May 12, 2007
Tea party
I've been doing a little organizing in the treehouse today. I know there are knitters who keep their patterns in a notebook, with all the pertinent info on what yarn they used, needle sizes, and any special notes about the process. I'd like to be one of those people. I borrowed Mr. G's three-hole punch....such a handy gadget for organizing one's life.....and got busy. After I get the knitting patterns in order, I might just start on my recipes. And then maybe all those crafty ideas I've cut out of magazines. I'd better work quickly though. I wouldn't want the gadget police on my tail.
May 11, 2007
Friday mishmash
I'm making some progress on the Plymouth sweater. I don't think I mentioned it's a cardigan, and I'm finished with the back and almost half way up one of the fronts. I know knitters talk about how wonderful certain yarns are to knit with, and now I understand. For me, this is one of those. It's Berroco's Peruvia, a 100% wool, in Denim Blue. I'm finding it hard to put down.
So yesterday I went on a little shopping trip in an effort to find a few items of clothing to fill in my wardrobe for the upcoming China trip. I was disappointed in the mall selections, although I did find one of those visor hats.....such a nice invention for those of us with plenty of head insulation. Mr. G. doesn't want to hear about it.
I will say that the shopping trip would have been totally unnecessary if I was just one of those gals who could maintain some sort of regular weight. A couple of years ago I lost 45 lbs. and got down to my goal, and I think I was there for about 10 minutes. Then there was a cruise, and the holidays, and.....well.....a few of those pounds found me.
The other day I was feeling rather depressed about it all so I took a trip over to Barnes and Noble in search of a new diet book I had read about on someone's blog. I figured maybe a new slant on the old problem would help. It was a good thing they were out of the book because I really knew there were no new slants, and it would have eventually ended up in the basement bookcase collecting dust with the others.
On the short ride home I was listening to the radio and happened to hear one of the radio psychologists tell a caller that the secret to weight loss is really very simple: East less; move more. For some reason, this struck me. Was it possible I've been making the whole diet thing too complicated? I decided right then and there to give this revolutionary new weight-loss program a try. Since then, I've been having smaller servings of everything and I'm taking short walks around the neighborhood in the evenings. My clothes are a little looser and I feel better. Maybe I should write a book. Nope. It would never sell. Too short.
So while I'm waiting for the eat-less-move-more results, I decided to work on a little sewing project yesterday. I made something for my cousin for her birthday. It's cute and whimsical, and I hope it will be useful. I put it in the mail today. A picture will be forthcoming after I know she's received it. I wouldn't want to spill the beans.
May 08, 2007
The Family Memoirs
My mom and dad were letter-writers too. Along with newsy items about their activities, they would sometimes include interesting an article from the newspaper on child-rearing, a favorite recipe, and sometimes a birthday check. While I always kept the enclosures, I rarely kept the letters. Maybe I had a few clutter-free tendencies even then. My dad, on the other hand, kept all of my letters. To him they were not clutter, and he had the brilliant foresight to know that someday I might like to have them.
Many years ago, when he was healthy and doing crafty things himself, he custom-made two boxes and shipped many of my letters back to me. The one above (the earliest in the collection) is from 1966, when my sister and I traveled to Europe on a student tour. The trip began with a flight to Washington, D.C. where we spent a few days before flying on to London. I wrote that we were having a marvelous time, and I enclosed the airline lunch menu. Kinda makes me hark back to the good ol' days.....
At some point I decided to embark on a family memoirs project, whereby I would re-read the letters, beginning in 1981 when Mr. G. and I married, and move forward. Along the way I would highlight a few items in many of them, and later re-type these newsy tidbits in chronological order, year-by-year. While I was never one to keep accurate baby books for TG and BCG wherein I should have recorded their first steps and lost teeth, I wrote it all in letters to my folks.
A few have asked why I didn't just scan the letters. Aside from that itself being a big project, it would also result in way too many pages, not to mention there are probably a few things better left unwritten. Once the whole thing has been saved on a disk of some kind and for each kid should they at some point in their lives want to look back (like, I can only hope and pray, when they have teenagers for instance)....... I will shred the whole pile.
I know I've mentioned in previous posts that I'm a person who likes to track things. Little did I know, until I started this blog, just how much of a tracker I am. And just so you know, it doesn't stop here. I kept notes on an inside-the-desk calendar for a couple of years while Mr. G and I were dating.....movies we saw, restaurants we ate at, concerts, trips and all sorts of stuff. Needless to say, much of this will most certainly qualify as "better left unwritten"...heh....heh.....