August 26, 2013

Back among the branches

It's nice to be back in the treehouse...amidst the quiet and the view....and all of the projects I had forgotten about.
Like dolls with faces only a mother could love.  Witch dolls lend themselves nicely to needle-felting....what with all the craggy-warty-fuzzy features.  And how lucky that my mother saved all of my baby teeth. Just kidding. 
This one needs a lot more work, but she'll be a beauty when she's done.  Just kidding about that too.

So we had a good trip back Saturday.  No glitches.  And best of all, we got home before the pizza restaurant down the street closed. I snickered when Mr. Gadget ordered a large while I just went for the small.  But it turns out he was just being thoughtful. He knew I wouldn't feel like grocery shopping or cooking for a few days and he didn't want to risk starving...
There are always a few chores that need doing when we get back. It's my job to get the hand vac and sweep up all the dead bugs.  Why they come in the house as soon as we leave is a puzzle.  It's not like we have a well-stocked liquor cabinet. Mr. Gadget turns the water back on and the computers.  And if there was a power failure while we were away, it's his job to reset the dozens of clocks and electronic devices to stop the annoying blinking.

There are two features I especially like here in the Concondo that the Calcondo lacks.  One is the larger kitchen. The western one is a one-butt kitchen--so-named long ago by dear ol' dad.  The eastern one is a many-butt model.  And while I'm on this subject, it's probably a good time to mention the second feature--the comfort toilets.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Glad you had what seems to be an "uneventful" trip to the Concondo! Fall is definitely due soon. Here we are simmering in!