August 08, 2013

Ad hoc guac

We're having visitors later today, so I'm whipping up some guac.  It should complement the chicken enchiladas I slaved over this morning, and the cherry cheesecake I toiled over yesterday.  I have a few recipes that usually come out well....mainly because I make them over and over and over.  I am not a happy cook, but sometimes I make sacrifices for good friends and relatives.

Our bathroom repair is finished, and just in time.

Yesterday, Mr. Gadget and I went out to buy some new towels.  Whereas I would never hesitate to let him go shopping at Costco by himself, I wasn't about to let him loose solo in the linen department.  Mr. Gadget would select something in beige and gray.

"We need some color in there," I told him. "Something with a little pizzazz."

"Why don't you choose what you like," he said, "and I'll walk over to the bank."  Mr. Gadget hates to shop almost as much as I do, so I wasn't surprised....and I was happy I wouldn't have to knock him down and smother him with a king-sized feather pillow to keep him from insisting on something in an ugly shade of tan.
Now that the new towels are hanging in the bathroom, he's happy with my color choices--tomato red and chocolate brown.  And he especially likes the basket with the wash cloths rolled up.

I would probably never have gotten around to buying new towels unless Mr. G. had nudged know, with his cattle prod.  I could have lived very happily with the old towels....and spent the money on a steak dinner, a movie, and a couple of tickets to Las Vegas.

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