August 16, 2013

Friday frivolities

So I was going through some old stuff here in the Calcondo and I came across a small photo album with a few pictures of my sister and her friends....and one who was, apparently, not very well liked.

Without a thought as to how I might easily ease into a different subject.....I don't want to imply that I come from....wait, I mean married into...a family that likes a nip now and then, but have you ever seen a bottle like this?

I'm sure it's been in the cupboard (maybe the broom closet?) for several years with party-type people just taking a shot now and then...maybe after a long week of work.  I grabbed it before it made its way into the recycle bin because I never throw away anything that looks like it might have art-project potential.

And here's an update on the rose bush--the one I'm practicing my grandmothering skills on.  I'd spoil it good if I knew how.  I did give it a good shearing, as was suggested by Kathy in the comments.  Did I mention that it was moved to its current spot by some utility workers and not actually teleported as I led you to believe?

The workers have disappeared so I assume they've finished the job, which involved replacing an old transformer, and I've realized that the spot from which the rose bush was moved gets much more sun than where it is now and it should probably be moved back.  But Mr. Gadget told me yesterday, while I was away getting a mani-pedi, that a total of four workers had returned to the scene and they were arguing about whether the new transformer (3 feet underground) had been re-connected.  So I suppose they'll be back for more digging and maybe I'd better leave the poor rose bush alone for now just in case they must uproot it yet again.  I can't imagine a rose bush could survive all that jerking around--even with loving grandmotherly care.

So the mani-pedi was a special treat.  Can you believe I've only had a couple during my whole lifetime?  Manicures are really not very practical for me--what with all my crafting, not to mention the never-ending scrubbing around the house.  But a pedicure is a different story.  My feet pretty much have nothing to do except get me places, so they can look pretty.  And the older I get, the harder it is to reach my toes....and to see them.

I was reminded of two of my pet peeves while I was at the nail salon.  One is loud cell-phone talkers.  For 20 minutes a customer carried on her real-estate business at full volume.  Then there was a mom who had dragged her 2 little girls along to the salon and left them to their own devices (spinning in chairs and squealing).  She wasn't totally irresponsible. She repeatedly admonished them and even threatened that there'd be no trip to Disneyland if they didn't behave. She was hardly a threat to either child since her feet were swirling around in the foot bath while she played games on her phone.

The world would be very different if I was in charge.  I'd insist on no cell phones, no ants, and pedicures for everyone.

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