August 23, 2013

Hat chat

Mr. Gadget and I are busy packing up for our return trip to the Concondo tomorrow.  I'm feeling sad about leaving the nice weather, but I'm excited at the thought of autumn leaves.

I've started another needle-felted snowman.
I've been using light yellow fiber for the base shape (to which appropriate snowman colors will be applied), since I ordered it by mistake.  The description on the website said "light" and I assumed that would be more of a natural color (perfect for snowmen) rather than a pale yellow. The white is actually a second coat of fiber.....which I acquired in a serendipitous way...that made me feel a little better about my ordering mistake.

Last Friday I went to the knitting group meeting here at the Calcondo and one of the members.....who I hadn't seen since last winter....came in with several bags of yarn and fiber she was willing to give to any of us who could use it.  And darned if she didn't have a big bag o' snowman white!
I thought it might be fun to give him a striped hat.  Snowmen are fairly simple creatures, but when it comes to their hats, there's lots of room for whimsy.  It's the only way they can make a fashion statement.

This little snowman story reminds me of an earlier time when Mr. Gadget was sick.  It was the middle of winter and there was plenty of snow on the ground.  Big City Girl, Tech Guy and I bundled up and went outside to build a snowman....after closing the drapes to hide the backyard, and to make sure Mr. G. had a nice dark room for a nap.  

After an hour or so we returned inside and had the Great Unveiling.  We opened the drapes and there he was just outside the window....a snowman decked out in a warm furry hat, a scarf, mittens, a hot water bottle and a thermometer.  Unfortunately, the chicken soup had frozen solid.  

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

What a great memory. Have a safe trip to the Concondo and enjoy that crisp autumn air and the beautiful leaves coming up. Cute snowman concept!