August 17, 2013

Chalk walk

Mr. Gadget and I took a walk along the beach today and ended up at the pier....where there was a chalk art festival going on.  The weather was overcast and cool, which is very unusual for August in these parts.  I'm sure the artists were happy about not having to sit on hot concrete.

There was quite a variety of skill levels--all the way from young children drawing with their families to very talented older folks.  Here is a sampling:

I was intrigued.  I began wondering if I could be a chalk artist.  Then I remembered I can't reach my nicely pedicured toes.  Would I be able to get down and sit on the sidewalk?  More importantly, would I be able to get up?  And now that I've got gray hair, would I be likely to hear a comment similar to one I overheard a child say today?

"That's not too bad for a grandma."

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Enjoyed catching up here at the MM's. Love your pictures and activities and like that bathroom remodel! Looks great with the colorful towels and all...heeheehee! San Diego weather and fun trip...and I know what you mean about "manners" much loud obnoxious conversations on cell phones and between people and the parents hardly even notice their own children...seems like a different world from our old one! Don't forget to water that rose bush from time to time....actually I don't know that much about them but I do water and I noticed today that I have some small roses coming up!