May 04, 2012

Quiet please....

Here's a rough sketch of my next clay character.  Unless, of course, I change my mind.
She's an old-fashioned librarian--one who knows how to keep order in the library, and often with just a stern look. When I was a kid, librarians were very different from the ones we have today.  If you talked, or even dared to whisper, she would give you "the eye" and a good talking-to, and she might even threaten to eject you from the library. I liked those days.  Libraries were peaceful places where you could sit and read a book or have a quiet browse. The sound of a ringing cell phone could have only meant an alien ship had landed.

I envision a librarian seated on a small stack of books.  She'll wear librarian clothes--nothing too colorful or flashy to detract from the hush.  And she'll wear sensible librarian shoes.  Of course, it goes without saying, there will be no cleavage.

To get started I'll make a wire armature, but I'm feeling confident about that step after my successful venture with Vinny. After that, I'll bulk her up a bit (mine will be an ample librarian) with aluminum foil and batting.  I'll just patch her together as I go.  She probably won't resemble the sketch too closely when I'm finished.  For reasons I don't understand, handmade dolls seem to take on a personality of their own somewhere during the process.

So, are you up for a trip to the library?  Come along then.  And don't forget your library card.  There's sure to be a tongue-lashing if you do.

1 comment:

Kathy W. said...

Very good idea! I loved the quiet times at the library. Guess libraries are almost encouraged to be noisy now adays. Makes me kind of sad to think about that. Will watch progress with ample librarian!