May 18, 2012

Legal action

This morning Mr. Gadget and I took a stroll around the neighborhood.
The weather has been wonderful lately.
Just what you'd order if you had an "in" with the weatherman.
Many of the residents have their spring gardens planted.
There's lots of color.
Geraniums and azaleas.
Some of this and some of that.
Yellow pansies
Purple salvia
No purple salvia you say?
That's because Mr. Gadget cut them down.
He said he was going out to weed the garden.
"But you cut down the purple salvia!" I exclaimed.
"They were weeds!" he exclaimed right back.
So I did the only thing I could do to keep him out of the garden.
I got a restraining order.

1 comment:

Kathy W. said...

Lovely flowers and weather! John's mom when we visited once had to run after John shouting "he's going to put the motor oil (he changed the oil in the car) in my rhododendrons" to his father. These engineers ya just never know what they'll think of next!