May 01, 2012

Puffin stitchin'

Here's a picture of the cruise embroidery I showed you in an earlier post.  I've made a little progress.

I copied the picture from some notecards and enlarged it.  Then I taped it to my light box (cleverly created for me by Mr. Gadget from his stash of manly stuff), and traced the little puffies onto fabric.  Next I took the color copy to the craft store and picked out embroidery floss to match.  When I'm finished with the puffin stitchin' I'll do the ground they're standing on--which will involve lots and lots of French knots.  I like doing French knots.  I didn't always.  There's a knack to them.  Once you get the knack you can really cruise.  That's stitchin' talk.

I was trying to think back to when I first started embroidering.  I think it actually started with needlepoint.  Then I moved on to cross-stitch.  Both of those activities required a chart, and that was fun for a while but all that looking back and forth finally got to me.

When Tech Guy and Big City Girl were toddlers I enjoyed sewing for them.  One of my favorite patterns was a pair of overalls with a little bib front.  The bib practically called out for some stitchin' so I made many and used iron-on transfers.  The only one I can still remember is a giraffe on roller skates.

So now that I've finished the bawdy one--better known as Betty with Bunnies in polite society--I've been giving thought to a new clay project.  I have an idea and I'm going to sketch something up. Here's a little hint.  It's a whimsical character from my past.  If the drawing looks halfway decent, I'll share it here and you can follow my progress.  

Wow!  Look how much I've written today.  I'm feeling a little drowsy.  Where's that deck chair? 

1 comment:

Kathy W. said...

Like those puffins....! And that bawdy lady, too.