May 25, 2012

Friday assortment

While I wait for the glue to dry on Thelma, I've been mentally planning her wardrobe and accessories.  If it wasn't for the annoying trips to the grocery store, and the cooking and vacuuming, I'd have her finished by now.

Big City Girl gave me a lovely handmade card for Mother's Day.
After I "ooohed" and "aaahhed," I mentioned that it was a great design for embroidery.  She said she had that in mind when she made it because she knows I like French knots.  Well, maybe not that many French knots.

Yesterday I took some books back to the library and I noticed something interesting on the new book shelf.
I think this one is my favorite. 
It reminds me of Henry, a regular visitor to our yard at the old house.  I'm not planning to knit a cat anytime soon, but I do like the idea of having a cat that doesn't need food or the use of a litter box. Also, one that wouldn't come into your bedroom at 5:30 a.m. and lick the door moldings with its sandpaper tongue to wake you out of a sound sleep and let you know it's time for breakfast.

I wonder, though, if these authors would consider working up a pattern for a personal chef?  One that could whip up delicious Italian and French delicacies and dreamy desserts.  Maybe I'll send them a note.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Beautiful card by BCG. And that kind of cat is the kind I want, too. The really easy care kind!!!