May 22, 2012

The Princess and the Pea

 The food quilt is finally finished.
Big City Girl has hand-lettered a quilt label.
It awaits embroidery.
So, technically, it isn't finished.
I'm pleased with it, warts and all.
In fact, I'm so pleased with it....
I've started collecting fabric for another.
It will be a gift for my niece.
It will be smaller.
A twin size.
Thelma the librarian is moving slowly.
(The picture reminds me of the fairy tale;
she's sitting on the square with peas).
Wrapping and gluing takes time.
She'll be picking up speed soon.
And speaking of speed....
I came up with a clever saying yesterday.
Mr. Gadget, aka Frank, started
nudging me about getting something
done that I had been procrastinating about.
"Not to worry," I said.
"It will get done in good time.
I don't move at the speed of Frank."

1 comment:

Kathy W. said...

LOL---I don't move at the "speed of John" either.

Good job there on that food quilt--very nice!!!!