March 01, 2012


Tech Guy and I had a mutual quirkiness when it came to stickers.

When Mr. Gadget and I took a cruise to the Baltic a few years ago, we were issued stickers for our cameras that allowed us to take pictures in St. Petersburg.
I affixed mine to my camera and have yet to take it off. I like cheap souvenirs.

Among the things we retrieved from TG's apartment was his scale. We decided we'd put it in our closet to replace an old one with a dark dirty smudge that's becoming harder to read...although that is not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to a scale.
Tech Guy had certain strong ideas about things. His father and I were usually accepting of his opinions...which he probably found irritating because I'm sure he would have loved nothing more than a spirited debate.

A few days ago, Mr. Gadget took a bottle of Windex out of the cupboard and headed for the basement. He said he was going to clean the scale. TG was never one to dust.

"That's good," I said. "Just don't remove the sticker."

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