March 28, 2012


Last Sunday Mr. Gadget and I drove to Brooklyn to visit Big City Girl and take her to lunch for her birthday. Since parking is sometimes difficult on her street, we suggested she choose a restaurant that was within walking distance. She gave us 3 choices--steak place, Thai, or Mexican--and we all voted for Margueritas.

Much of NYC is safe for pedestrians nowadays, but BCG's neighborhood is an exception. You take your life in your hands when you go out her front door.

That's because there are lots of Polish bakeries. They lurk on every street corner--just waiting for you to let your guard down.

If you're not careful and you walk too close to the door, they'll suck you right in.

There oughta be a law, but even if there was one you know those policemen aren't going to shut down the donut dealers.

After lunch we walked back to BCG's apartment along streets lined with order to lessen our chances of being mugged by sweetness. Once inside I presented her with my very special birthday gift. I wrapped it in this:

It's the further-felted bowl. It snuggly nested a collection of embroidery supplies. Big City Girl had expressed an interest in learning to stitch. I can only imagine this being akin to a father who loves to fish being asked by his son to buy him a tackle box. I gave her a short tutorial on some of the basic stitches before we left for home. I can only hope she grows to love it. Maybe she'll even become an addict. That would be good because then I won't worry about her. I'll know she's home stitching and safe from the dangers that lurk around every corner.

1 comment:

Kathy W. said...
