April 05, 2011

Sometimes you just have to dig something up

There's been nothing but birds here lately, and I fear you readers may be getting bored. So here's just one more, and then I'll talk about something much more interesting....
Ten things about me:

I graduated from college when I was 51.

My favorite food is lemon meringue pie.

When I was a teenager I made most of my own clothes.

I've been to all 7 continents.

I've flown in the Goodyear blimp.

I don't like peas or liver.

I'm not good at games of strategy.

I'm a cat person; I don't care much for dogs.

Many years ago I took the est training and I continue to find it valuable.

I've been parasailing in Mazatlan.

1 comment:

Marge Malwitz said...

the real marcia i revealed! :-)