April 08, 2011

A birdless ramble

Yesterday I cut out, stuffed, and applied gesso to two witch doll heads.

This is in preparation for adding clay.

I re-designed the head pattern to be a little longer.

Who knew foreheads needed fore-thought.

I'm also knitting dishcloths with Sugar and Spice cotton yarn.

They're great for washing up a few dishes.

Or cleaning off the kitchen counter.

Then just toss them in the washing machine.

Michael's had the yarn on sale this week for $1.00/skein.

Better hurry!

Mr. Gadget and I have decided we need a runner on our stairway.

Both Tech Guy and I have taken headers on the slippery wood.

My Thanksgiving knee is almost back to 100%.

I have no interest in an Easter knee.

We're leaning toward that dark red swirly pattern.

It's just to the left of the black one with dots.

These are not inexpensive.

Too bad I can't knit one.

I'm still making birds,

but I will hold off on the photos till I have a whole flock.

I wouldn't want to be accused of over-birding.

I kinda like writing this way.

Short sentences that don't require a lot of thought.

No worries about incorrect spelling,

run-on sentences or

dangling participles.

The perfect format for when I have

pretty much nothing to say....


Marcia said...

I like the red swirly one, and the brown swirly one as well. I'm on a brown kick at the moment...looking for brown shoes (just gave a pair to Good Will last year, rats) and a tan or brown jacket. Need to go shopping, but not this week!

Marge Malwitz said...

love the short comments-was thinking you might go with the patchwork look- a different pattern on each step !!?