July 02, 2010

Bear with me

Mr. Gadget and I went out to do a couple of errands this morning in my car....and it wasn't even raining. Mr. G's sports car is allergic to rain. And snow. And crowded parking lots.

"Why have you been carrying a stuffed bear around in your car for weeks?" he asked me, after glancing in the back seat.

"Oh, I've been meaning to put him in one of those charity boxes around town, but I always forget he's in here," I told him....sheepishly.
"He looks pretty comfortable," he noted. "You might have trouble uprooting him."

"Now that you've reminded me, maybe I'll get busy and find him a new home," I said.

It didn't take me long to come up with a bright idea.

"I think I'll leave him on a park bench or on a playground swing for a child to find," I told him after I'd made the colorful and festive tag. "Can you imagine the excitement?"

"Oh yeah, I can see it now," replied Mr. Gadget. "It'll be front page news after the bomb squad shows up to investigate a suspicious bear loitering in the park."

Why must he throw wet blankets on my ideas? I think this is a beary good one.

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