July 05, 2010

A random holiday assortment

I hope everyone had a happy and safe Fourth. I know I did. Mr. Gadget and I spent some time relaxing on our deck, watching buzzards soar overhead and wondering if they were keeping an eye on the two-lane road for tasty morsels.....or waiting us out.

Later we went inside for a special holiday meal of leftover lasagna (his) and a Lean Cuisine (mine). We're getting ready for our summer trek to the Calcondo, and this always requires depleting the contents of the fridge. Maybe I should just invite the buzzards in.
Before I go any further, I have to admit I made a small mistake. So sorry. Right after I published my last post I realized the bear is actually a dog. Whoops. But I still think it was a beary good idea.......doggone it.
And now a few bits of randomness:
Don't ya just love when a big, macho construction guy is soft-hearted enough to rescue a bird's nest?It's not always necessary to pay big bucks at the florist. Sometimes a very pleasant floral bouquet can be gathered from a weed patch.
I've never thought my house was clean enough to hire a cleaning lady. But maybe my feet are finally looking good enough for a pedicure.
Big City Girl was recently asked by a store clerk to show some identification. The clerk, after noticing organ donor printed on BCG's driver's license, asked "Did it hurt?"
And just when I thought there were no more characters to add to my collection I've come up with a new idea. Here's a hint:
I've already done some mental planning. There will be flannel. There will be coffee. There will be bunny slippers. And if I can figure out how to make the slippers, you just know what will happen. Sister Mary and Spud and Lois and the others--they'll all be wanting them....

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

We are in William Bonney country--Ft. Sumner, Blue Hole Santa Rosa, NM. And watched from Mickey D's the fireworks went back to Motel Six for zzzzz onto to Tx and Okla and visit with cousin in Dill City, Ok. Love your blog/column!