October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

There's a house just around the corner from the SoCal condo that's always decked out for the holidays. Each year the occupants come up with a new theme, and this year it's "Pumpkin School." I'm not sure exactly what it means. Are pumpkins being taught their ABC's, or are they learning to carve jack-o-lanterns? If it's the latter, I think some serious therapy is in order.

Here's another scene with a pirate theme from the same yard. I'll bet the people who live in this house were having raging arguments, I mean lively discussions, about what theme to use this year, and then, in the interest of keeping the family together, decided to give everyone their own little piece of lawn. There was another scene in the side yard, but I didn't hang around long enough to take a picture. Mr. G and I were on our way to the airport and in a bit of a rush.

So today I'm going to lunch with a friend, and I'd sure like to wear this cute pin I bought a couple of years ago, but I can never seem to find it when Halloween rolls around.Maybe when it does turn up I should just put it on no matter what the calendar says. In my case, it would always be appropriate.

So last night, with slim pickins in the TV guide, Mr. Gadget was watching a show about people involved in a contest to grow the biggest pumpkin. I tell you, some of these grown-men-farmer-types get a little carried away with what they see as the serious business of it all, and if they don't win they're reduced to tears. This might be another situation requiring therapy.

My favorite pumpkin-growing story took place a few years ago right here in town. We have a local pumpkin fanatic who has grown a prize-winner or two. After one of the contests was over, a couple of these big veggies were hollowed out and the mayor and the pumpkin-growing guy each climbed aboard and paddled across the lake. I do believe the rowing was much more fun than the growing.

Happy Halloween wishes to all, and be sure to save a little candy for the trick-or-treaters.....

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