October 23, 2007

You know it's Fall when you get bonked on the head.

We have two big oak trees in our front yard, one on each side of the driveway. In the Fall there are frequent torrential rains of acorns and it's always wise to carry an umbrella......or wear a hard hat or a bicycle helmet.....or none of the above and just take your chances.

And the birds found the new window feeder while we were gone.

I was feeling sorry for the ones having to cling to the screen while awaiting their turn, so I stuck a red yardstick out the window.
This works well, but I probably should have included one of those "take-a-number" thingies. Now that I've lured them to the treehouse, I may speak to Mr. G about building me a bigger, better feeder that will accommodate more visitors. Maybe he can figure out how to add a waiting room.....kinda like an anteroom for the overflow crowds at church. I've never actually seen one, but I've heard reports....
So I've been pondering whether or not to apply for a local craft fair. I've done this show in the past. The first time was very profitable; subsequent times were not so much. Sometimes it's just a fun day, and it's always good to keep craft-fair skills up-to-date. But I have very few dolls on hand and I'm not sure I want to go into high gear on production. I do want to make the two new dolls I mentioned in my last post. I haven't made much progress, but I've been deep in thought....
And I need to finish the bathroom rooster curtain for Tech Guy, who's coming for a visit this weekend.
I happen to know he has at least 4 more windows that need covering, unless he's dating someone who sews and he was able to cajole her into making draperies. If it were me, I'd just do the whole place with a barnyard theme. Maybe some pigs and cows and goats. That way, no matter how messy the place gets, he can just say he was trying very hard for the pig-sty look....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea...the pig sty look...I could go for that! But we already have that...ahhahaha