October 22, 2007


Today I had a happy reunion with my east coast sewing machine. While I was away cruising, it was in the shop having a couple of issues addressed, one of which was a light that went on and off at will. I thought maybe it was possessed by a fun-loving spirit who enjoyed playing tricks on me, like leaving the light on if I was sewing in bright sunlight, and turning it off when I was sewing at night. The repairman assured me he performed an exorcism, and for what he charged me I'm going to hold him to it.

As I was driving to the sewing machine shop, I took a few pictures. I could have taken the highway and gotten there more quickly, but in the Fall the backroads have so much more to offer.
Here I am heading down the driveway on my way to the street. Mr. G. will most likely have his leaf-blower out this afternoon. He does like a tidy lawn.

It's usually a very peaceful drive along the lake. You'll just have to visualize the big truck that was bearing down on my tail.

The small white sign is for one of the old neighborhood cemeteries in town. Many have fallen into disrepair. Some local boy scouts took on the project of sprucing this one up.

The yellow road sign is to warn drivers of a deer-crossing area. You won't find many of these in southern California. Mr. G and I are thinking of putting a "deer-eating" sign up in our yard, since everything we plant seems to be a deer delicacy.

And here I am heading up our street toward home. Kinda makes me want to cook up a big pot of soup.

Oh and I should mention the sewing machine shop also happens to sell fabric. So I picked up a couple of pieces with some new dolls in mind.
I've decided to add a monkey and a bee to my cast of characters. I'll be sketching them up soon, so stay tuned.......


Anonymous said...

Ooo, ooo, I want a monkey! Did you see the sock monkey fabric at the Quilt Shop? I wonder if there is any banana fabric out there......

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful Fall colors! And those country roads look so peaceful and quiet and very cozy!

Do you think you could find a "green" with envy monkey?