October 21, 2007

The Big Kimchi Dilemma

Mr. Gadget and I are now back on the east coast, and don't you think this is one of my best airplane pictures ever? After all those times of sitting patiently in Seat 17-A, I was finally rewarded with something other than midwest patchwork farm shots. It was all because of this:

And also because of our delayed departure. All the passengers were onboard as were the flight attendants, but the pilots were no-shows. Seems they forgot to set their clocks or something. Anyway....not a problem. I wouldn't have had the photo op if we'd left on time.

So about the kimchi. That online know-it-all Wikipedia defines it as a traditional Korean fermented dish made from seasoned vegetables.
Mr. Gadget is a big fan, and it's readily available at the Asian market just a short walk up the street from the condo. The trick is for Mr. G to finish the kimchi before we clean out the fridge and lock up the condo....and I'm no help. It's just not my cup of tea.
So we found ourselves nose-deep, shall we say, in the Big Kimchi Dilemma. Did I mention it's fermented? It doesn't keep well. Yes, I suppose we could have put it down the garbage disposal, or even flushed it, but we were reluctant to bring on a possible plumbing problem with no time left to deal with plumbers. And we couldn't very well put it in the condo trash dumpster on Saturday morning when the trash truck wasn't due till Monday. I suggested we leave it in the freezer, where Mr. G had stashed it earlier in a double bag. But then he worried we might lose power and, considering the decomposing action and all, we might have to replace the fridge.
In the end, I won out when I convinced him that even if the power went out, it wouldn't be out for long....because, after all, it wasn't the Northeast where we've been known to go without for days.
So I'm hopeful a nice frozen block of kimchi will be waiting for us on our next trip. We will then revisit the dilemma, but with plenty of time to consider all options. I can only wonder how hard it must be to get rid of a body if one had the need.
And to all you blog readers who say you could never start a blog because you have nothing to write about. You can no longer use that as an excuse.......

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