December 01, 2006

December 1st?

It's kinda hard to believe it's the first of December here in the northeast, what with the thermometer on our back deck saying it's a balmy almost-70. It's been raining all day. Sometimes when it rains this time of year, people will say something like, "Do you know how many inches we'd have if this was snow?" I'm not sure exactly how it all translates, but I think it's probably something like dog years. There would be a lot by now, and most likely the craft fair tomorrow would be canceled. I have heard rumors that things will be chilling up soon.

So I'm almost all packed for the fair tomorrow, but still finding a few long lost items. Here are some candle holders I made a while back.

Mr. Gadget offered me some "saw time" and cut out lots o' blocks for my brilliant creative project idea. I made some Merry Christmas blocks, which I kept and put on the window sill each holiday. I also made some candle holders in red that say "Noel." Today I found two sets of the Joy ones hidden away--one in green and one in red--that I will offer for sale.

While I'm sitting around at the fair waiting for customers, I'll be working on a quick knitting project that will be a gift for a friend. It's always nice to have something to work on, but not something that takes all of my attention. It's nice to be able to put it down quickly to chat with fair-goers. I know some folks do crossword puzzles or read books, but that sort of says they aren't really interested in engaging you in conversation.....or in a sales transaction either. At least that's my take. I enjoy talking to people who take the time to stop and pay me a compliment. But I must admit I skirt around those questions about how I make things. After all, my characters are to me like family recipes are to others. Ya gotta have a few secrets, right?

So I'm gearing up for the tree assembly and fluffing activity that will most likely take place after dinner. Mr. G. tells me there's no football on Friday nights, and I find that hard to believe. I'm sure he'll find something to watch. Maybe reruns of This Old House or Motor Week, or something with James Bond. Anything to avoid the fluffing......

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