November 30, 2006

Kitchen angel

It's amazing how much blog fodder I've discovered while rooting around in the closets for craft fair offerings. Here is a kitchen angel I made some time ago. Her hair is cloves, and her arms and legs are cinnamon sticks. She used to have bay leaf wings, but they got dry and brittle and broke in a few places. I just replaced them with fabric. As soon as I got them sewn and pressed, I realized they were going to flop around rather than stand out straight. So after considering several fixes, I decided to try brushing on Stiffy. I haven't used it much, so I wasn't sure how effective it would be. It worked great. Now I'm thinking Stiffy is probably just an expensive version of Elmer's Glue watered down a bit. I will have to run an experiment to see how it compares......but not today.

And here is the Santa hat picture I wasn't able to post yesterday. I will mention that I wasn't able to find the fishing line that has been sitting on a shelf in the basement for years. Mr. G. borrows it to fix the toilets now and then, but he always puts it back. So I'll have to come up with an alternate plan for the ornament hangers, or make a trip to the sporting goods store. Not.

So I've had a few nice blog comments, and I really appreciate them! The craft fair I'm doing on Saturday is in Bethel, CT at St. Mary's Church. It's from 9 til 4, and it's on Rt. 302 just east of Rt. 58 for anyone who is interested in driving over.....or flying in for that matter...heh..heh.. I'm going to have an eclectic mix. I think that's also known as a mish-mash. I'd like to unload, I mean clear out a few of my older things so I can make room for the new.

I haven't done a church fair in a while. They are fun and fairly predictable, except for the take-home pay of course! They're usually held in the church school gym or cafeteria, and the fair committee prepares by covering all of the tables with shiny red foil paper. I immediately cover this up with my own tablecloth for kind of a homespun look. At some point during the day, the priests come by to say hello, and this is followed by a visit from Santa. There is always lots of food available......usually hot dogs, hamburgers and chili. Sometimes the church ladies make something special like apple pie or strawberry shortcake. And there is non-stop Christmas music.

So I told Mr. Gadget I'd put our artificial tree up tomorrow so it will be ready for him to put the lights on while I'm gone on Saturday. He doesn't like the assembling and the never-ending "fluffing" job that is required. I find the light installation incredibly boring. While I'm fluffing, he'll be watching football, if things go according to tradition. And while he's putting the lights on, he'll no doubt be watching football. He might even be having a beer. On Sunday, I'll decorate the tree while he watches a little more football. It all sounds pretty festive to me.....

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