November 05, 2006

Fall follows me

No, I didn't pack this in my suitcase.....or carry it along on the bottom of my shoe. Fall happens here too.....I had just forgotten. There just isn't enough of it to warrant the purchase of a leaf least not in this neck of the woods where there is hardly an inch of land that someone hasn't built something on.

We did arrive safely yesterday, although I wasn't able to sit in 17A. I had to settle for 17F instead. I wasn't too annoyed. It was still a window seat with plenty of leg room and a nice view. And what did I see out the window? Lots of jets passing us going east. I can't remember ever seeing one so close that I could tell what airline it was, but yesterday there were several. I had a good book and my knitting, so I tried not to think about it. The pilot had one of those calm, confident, I'm-in-charge kind of voices, so I had to trust that he was fully qualified and duly certified.

Mr. Gadget and I always rent a car for the trip from the airport to the condo, and yesterday we got one of these:

It's one of those Chevy HHR's with the retro look. One time they gave us a PT Cruiser. We usually keep it overnight to get our full days' value and drive it out to dinner. I always get a pass on cooking the first night because of jet lag. So late yesterday afternoon we took a little spin in the HHR down to the beach to show Mr. Gadget's brother and our nephew Mr. G's old neighborhood--from his single days. We parked on the cliff above the ocean and I decided to stay in the car while they took a short walk. It wasn't long before an old lady who looked a little like a bag lady---possibly someone still in her Halloween outfit----and an old man stopped next to the car and looked at it like it was an alien spaceship.

"What is it?" she asked. "Hmmm, I don't know," he replied as he put his nose up close to the window and peered in. "Looks like something I used to see a long time ago," she said. They walked all around it for several minutes, all the while playing their guessing game which I could hear very clearly. I was very surprised they weren't trying to get my attention to ask questions about it.....until I realized the windows were darkly tinted and they couldn't see me. Now I know why Tech Guy had his VW windows tinted, even though we strongly suggested he reconsider. All the better for chick-watching.

Now that the stealth fun car has been returned and the jet lag is subsiding, I guess I'll have to do some grocery shopping and a little laundry. No curmudgeon sightings to report yet, but it's just a matter of time.....

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