November 02, 2006

Santa ornament

Here's my Santa ornament-in-progress. Actually, this is just the prototype (aka the ornament that will hang on our tree.) There are many of these decoration experiments on our family tree. They are one-of-a-kinds and always whimsical....

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, there are some things about him that need tweaking. I want the hat to hang down on its own. And maybe there should be just a little white hair showing from under the hat. The eyes might be a little smaller.....well, maybe the same size as the one on the left. Talk about whimsical. I'm always looking for ways to hide the opening for the stuffing so that the finished item looks....well.....more finished. It occurred to me that I could stuff this guy through the top of his head, since the stitches I use to close it with will be hidden under his hat.

One year I made some similar Santas that I sold as ornaments and pins. A year or two later, I happened to be browsing in a cute little shop a ways from my home, and the clerk who waited on me was wearing one! It's just so funny when I see one of my crafty things out in the world. I know that's where a lot of them end up, but to actually have an encounter is always a pleasant surprise.

So, since Mr. Gadget and I will be out of town on election day, we filled out absentee ballots. I made the comment to him that one of these days I'm going to refuse to vote for any candidate who trash talks his opponent. Then we both laughed when we realized there would be no need to vote. It continues to amaze me how the behavior of many people in business and government has failed to progress further than the kindergarten playground.

I guess I'll stop now and attend to the business of packing and the politics of sock-knitting. I've finished the left sock and now I'm working on the right.....

1 comment:

Maddie Can Fly said...

Yes, Santa is very cute. How do you attach the beard fuzzy stuff? And I agree, he should have some hair around his hat. Can't wait to see the finished one.