November 24, 2006

Sick leave

Sorry for the blog break. I've been spending lots of time with these guys....who I've affectionately named Ny, Ty, Zi and Rob. As friends go, I must say they've been very supportive. And now that I'm almost over the awful cold that came upon me, very fortunately on the day after the cruise, I've put them all back in the closet where I hope they'll be happy for a very long time.

So Mr. Gadget and I returned from the west coast last Monday and have just spent a very nice Thanksgiving here at the Connecticut homestead with Tech Guy and his two cats, and Big City Girl and her bunny. The cats shared a cage on the way over in TG's car, but had to return home in two cages since they got into some sort of disagreement and one started hissing non-stop at the other. TG seemed to think they'd be fine once back on their home turf.

Bam Bam the bunny and Big City Girl made the trip up on the subway and the train and arrived in fine shape. Bam Bam, unlike the cats who hissed and hid under the couch, was quite social. He won the award for "most cute." Here he is with his front paws on my bird socks, while BCG offers him some food. Aaahhhhh!

So now that I'm feeling better, the crafting will be starting in earnest. Next Saturday I'm planning to do a craft fair, and I must get organized. Not only that, I have a few dolls to finish up, and a few to dust off and spruce up. And I hope I can get a few of my Santa ornaments done in time. But before I can do any of that, I need to unpack my suitcase. Yes, it still sits. I'm so ashamed. Mr. G. got his unpacked the night we got home. But at least I have a good excuse this time. Those four rascals tricked me......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must have caught your cold in CA. I had one, too. Started of the week before Thanksgiving and I was revived enough to get the turkey on the table but I'm still blowing my nose. Lots of locals got this virus!