May 05, 2013

Putting up preserves

I had the idea of preserving my crocheted rocks for future generations.  This will insure that any grandchildren, or great grandchildren, will know that their grandmother, or great grandmother, was a slightly wacky woman. I was really more concerned that they would spoil if left out on the windowsill.  Funny....this jar--that for many years held Q-tips--was just the right size for all of the rocks in my collection. I love when my plans proceed without a hitch.

The weather has been absolutely beautiful in Connecticut for the last week or so.  These kinds of days are treasures after enduring the cold and muck and slush of winter.  I realize now how much I took for granted those endless days of summer growing up in southern California.  When Mr. Gadget suggested a walk in the park this morning I quickly agreed.  The park we go to is just up the road and is always well-kept, thanks to the work of a big team of volunteers.

On our walk, I collected a few things with fall craft projects in mind. 

Even though my witches are big sellers at the old hotel show, it's good to offer a few different things to keep buyers intrigued.

I added a little more paper to the pickle jar.  You've probably guessed...

He'll be a cat

who's fluffy and fat.
His name will be Pickles.
He'll have a tummy for tickles
and an nice round head to pat.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

I could put your cat on Facebook. They love cats of all kinds there!