May 01, 2013

A mind like a birdcage

Many years ago....probably back in the 70's because that's when things like this were cool....I took a course in Transcendental Meditation.  I paid my money, showed up at someone's house, was assigned a trainer, and received my mantra.  I was told it was a mantra tailor-made for me, but I'm sure it was pretty much everyone else's mantra too.  All of us trainees were instructed to sit quietly, close our eyes, and silently repeat our mantras for 20 minutes. If our minds wandered....which they would....we should gently refocus on the mantra. We were assured that this was just the nature of the meditative practice.  

Several years later....I think it was during the 80's ....I found a better way to meditate.  I bought myself a wooden hoop, some thread, and a package of needles.  I became an embroiderer.  I stitched and stitched and let me mind wander wherever the heck it wanted to go.  And now when I'm stressed, or life isn't treating me kindly, I go right to the embroidery.  I'm almost a zen master.
For a while I was just stitching roosters.
Lately I've become fond of parrots.  Back in 1990 (I know this because I saved the newspaper) I cut out this picture and stuffed it in an envelope called things I might someday decide to embroider.

I have no idea why a parrot was used to advertise a high-end plumbing store, but it did get my attention....what with the vibrant colors and that sly look on his face. 

Maybe I'll frame him and hang him in the bathroom....over the toilet.  From his perch up there, he'll be looking down on all of the bathroom-goers...silently admonishing them--with his parrot-eye--not to forget to wash their hands.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Nice work!