July 04, 2012

Breaking news

The earthquake bird was still standing when we arrived at the Calcondo on Monday.  Good news indeed.  But it dawned on me, after being away for a while and coming more to my senses, that the poor thing could use chin-reduction surgery.  I'll put that on my to-do list.

Our trip west was one of the best we've ever had.  No traffic, no lines at the airport, an on-time departure, and no turbulence.  It doesn't get much better than that.  And soon after we took our assigned seats (17A & B), the captain announced that we would be in good hands because there were actually 3 captains on board.  This was mentioned, I'm sure, to put passenger minds at ease after that previous most unfortunate incident. And, luckily, we didn't need the spares.

So, Happy Fourth to everyone!  We had considered going up to the clubhouse for the annual picnic, but then smartly decided to stay home and stay safe.  There's lots of contentiousness amongst the curmudgeons at the moment, so who knows what might have happened whilst quite innocently eating a hot dog.  I've been reading the pile of weekly newsletters and trying to get a sense of what the issues are among the board of directors and the various committee persons, and I ended up throwing up my hands and pushing the whole stack over to Mr. Gadget.  Mr. G. has a better mind for condo bs, I mean business, so I appealed to him to translate the whole mess. So far he hasn't touched them.

When we were here last, I started a paper mache cat project.  Then all the sadness happened and I had to leave him in the back corner, all alone, looking like he'd been in a bad fight. 
My plan is to finish him while we're here this time.  First, I'll need to gather a few supplies, so Mr. Gadget and I will have to read a few newspapers. Then I'll purchase some wallpaper paste--my glue of choice.  When he's done, I suppose he'll need a cat toy. Maybe he'd be happy with a cute little bird who's recooping from chin surgery.

1 comment:

Kathy W. said...

The Engineer is in Upstate NY and on his way to CT. Isn't this fun? Criss crossing paths?

I stayed home to mind the fort.

Good idea not to tempt the curmudgeons!

Happy Fifth of July!