August 14, 2010

Piles of Interest

Sometimes when you're watching the news you'll see a police investigator who's trying to solve a big case and he'll refer to someone he's pretty sure committed the crime as a person of interest.

Mr. Gadget occasionally looks around the Calcondo and frowns at all of my accumulating clutter. (Follow me here....I'm going to draw a parallel, or whatever the heck you call it.) I always tell him not to think of it as clutter, but to look upon it as my piles of interest.
Here's my computer table where I handle all of my blogging needs, and a ball of yarn in case I'm carried away with a desire to knit a pair of socks.
Here's most of my fabric stash on the guest bed--easily moved in the event of an unplanned sleepover.
Here's my sewing machine and sewing supplies--always at-the-ready in case I get the urge to stitch up something.

This is my clay station on the dining room table. I always move it far enough out of the way so it isn't mistaken for a carbohydrate.
Here's my current reading material---that's a very good book, by the way.

Finally, I think, here's the spot on the fireplace hearth where I pile up my knitting and crochet projects--completed and in-progress.

Mr. Gadget has been spending a lot of time out on the back patio lately. He's getting a nice tan. Did I mention we've been together 24/7 for 6 weeks? Sometimes I have to think up devious, I mean creative ways to handle stiffling, I mean difficult situations. Maybe it's time to tidy up and invite him back in.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Have you really been at the Calcondo for six weeks or does that include time at the Concondo, too. Don't keep up the blog much any more due to travel (not by boat) and/or Facebook "addiction"--just about "petered out".

Find that all methods of "communication" are usually "methods" of "ignoring" one another. Can't remember if I blogged or "reported" this one but my mother is gone for over a year now. Last August (2009), she passed at almost 92.

Sorry for my sour grapes. Also I'm good at sucking lemons myself---heh, heh, heh. Keep up with your "piles of interest" for "why not?"

Did you venture over to the all class reunion@polliwog park?