August 04, 2010

A handy household tool

I'm probably one of the few human beings on the planet who hasn't signed up for Facebook. I know lots of people love it, but I rarely hear about much good that comes of it. It's a major time-suck I'm told. Sometimes "friends" are catty. Divorces happen.
But I think I've just stumbled on a worthwhile purpose for it, although I'm still not planning to sign up.
Mr. Gadget and I receive many telemarketing calls here at the Calcondo. They mostly come from people who want to remodel our home, and the caller usually asks for me.
The telephone rings and Mr. Gadget answers. "Hello?"
"May I speak to Marcia please?" the caller asks.
"Who's calling?" says Mr. G politely.
"This is Mike from Acme Home Remodeling," says the caller.
"Are you the Mike she met on Facebook?!" asks Mr. G. Then he bumps up his volume and I notice a little steam coming out of his ears. "Because if you are, you'd darn well better not call again because I have a sledge hammer here with your name on it!"
Consider this a public service announcement.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

You sure are witty.