November 01, 2009

Grad night

I've discovered that scarecrows are much more fun to construct.....

....than to deconstruct.I had planned to dump the straw in the woods, but then I thought of my former neighbor--the one with the green thumb--and sent her an email. I'm happy to report the straw will be recycled as a nice winter coat for her garlic plants.
Last night Mr. Gadget and I attended a Halloween party in the condo clubhouse.
We wisely left our spirits at home, since we had entertained a veritable gaggle of them the night before at our dinner party. By the way, Auntie Pasto's flight was right on time and she was her usual delightful self.
But back to the Halloween party. I was in a dither about a costume. Walmart was out of my favorite action figure, and I had no time for creative sewing. Then it dawned on me. I could raid a closet.

Here's what I came up with. It was smart, tasteful, and seasonably colorful, and I was able to accessorize it with my Gone Batty pin. I really should have arranged the spider-web scarf a little more strategically to hide my turkey neck. After all, it was still October.
You're probably wondering what kind of costume Mr. Gadget wore. He wore his Mr. Gadget costume--jeans, plaid flannel shirt and baseball cap--also scavenged from a closet. It's pretty much what he always wears. But he did say he might wear a real costume next year, if he saw other men wearing them. I hope he remembers. If not, I may have to sew all of his remotes to his flannel. I think he's up to at least 17, but who's counting.....

1 comment:

marcia said...

I would have no trouble getting rid of that straw on my veggie beds! Love the costume! I took my college academic gown (we had to buy them freshman year and wear them at every convocation for four years) and dressed Noel up as a nun. Actually, I fooled the housemother junior year dressing up as a nun in that same gown!