November 19, 2009

Coronary artery disease

Not to worry. Mr. Gadget and I are perfectly healthy. So is the snowman, as far as I know. I'm talking about the neighborhood. For years the main artery (a major north-south route that's just behind our condo) has been building up with nasty plaque. There's been no end of high blood pressure, shortness of breath, and even near-death experiences.

Today, finally, the patient is healthy. The governor wisely prescribed bypass surgery. It was completed today, and now all that cloggedness is a thing of the past. Thousands of commuters are singing in their cars today, and Mr. Gadget and I will now find it oh-so-easy to pop out for a gadget-fix or a spool of thread at any time of the day or night without being held hostage by drivers unhappily going to work or hellbent on getting home. Oh, and it's quieter too. No more 18-wheelers rumbling through at all hours rattling our gadgets and knick-knacks. I love QUIET.

I'm making progress on the snowman ornament. I really like working with paperclay. The best part is I can start a project, let it dry, and then add more later. I think after I get this guy painted, he'll look more like he's got a scarf than a pair of scary-looking arms with funny-looking claws.

While busy with the snowman, and more dolls for the upcoming show--also snowmen, an email came in about a holiday cookie exchange here at the condos. I love to bake cookies. I'd better stock up on flour and sugar. It probably wouldn't be wise to make them out of clay. My neighbors would very likely run me off for that. But at least now it'll be easier to make an escape.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Seems like you are enjoying your crafty ways and making new friends at the Concondo!