January 11, 2009

Where the ice is safely in the fridge

Mr. Gadget and I are now on the west coast, having barely escaped another snowstorm. I guess it was the pay-off for our 4:30 a.m. wake-up call. And you just can't beat this SoCal weather--about 75 degrees and sunny. My east coast friends will probably stop reading now. It's a little chilly inside the condo though. I had to put a sweater on.
Now that we've been flitting back and forth for a while, we have a settling-in process that usually involves dinner the first night at Denny's--a short walk down the street. The second day starts with me making a grocery list. There's always a cup of coffee to help me along. You've probably noticed Homer Simpson standing in the background, screaming at me to remember coffeepot filters. I actually had to use a paper towel yesterday afternoon. I could probably just switch to those and save a few bucks, but you never know. There might be coffee police.
My trip to the grocery store was relatively uneventful. I didn't meet up with the pink-haired lady, but was accosted instead by her evil twin--an overly-friendly young man with normal-colored hair, but who had obviously attended the same customer service training session as his co-worker. "Are you finding everything ok?" he asked me in every even-numbered aisle, in the same sing-songy voice the company must require of its employees.

Early this morning, while waiting for my coffee to perk, I took a walk to the newspaper dispenser thingie at the end of the sidewalk, and I noticed a few things.
Someone is building a castle in the neighborhood. Do you think it might be Prince Charming?It's Fall. Isn't this January? Things can be a little weird in California.

And what about this poor thing! I think the landscape guys went a little too far here. It makes me hurt just to look at it.
Lucky for me, I didn't encounter any barkrats. Maybe they're hibernating....


Anonymous said...

I didn't stop reading, but was very tempted. They are predicting temps in the single digits by week's end. I need one of those SAD lamp things! Enjoy your warm, sunny days!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Can you believe the temps. It was cold so thanks for coming and bringing the warm stuff. Wherever did you get it? Mr. H's brother and wife had very hard trip from upstate NY to FL. Had to go back home from airport and take another flight due snowy weather! The SoCal falling leaves are quite strange though, huh! I noticed that today myself.

Karen said...

It's 75 degrees! That's just mean.