January 15, 2009

Gelatinous blobs

We've discovered a new dessert. Gelatinous blobs. They're from the Asian grocery store on the corner. We have no idea what they're made of, nor do we really care. They're covered with very sweet and ever-so-tasty grated coconut. Now that they're all gone, I'm left with Skinny Cow chocolate popsicles covered with ice crystals (because they've been hanging out in the freezer since our last visit).

But they do make a very good cooling agent, and they nicely complement a tube of sunscreen. I don't mean to gloat, but the temp has been nearly 80 degrees since we arrived. A far cry from the 12 degrees Tech Guy reported yesterday from his neck of the woods. This isn't the usual for SoCal in January. It's just a fluke caused by unseasonal Santa Ana winds blowing westerly from the desert--something that usually only happens in the early Fall.

Here's Mr. Gadget, with his head attached, enjoying the warmth. You can see he's shed his fleece. Maybe soon he'll shed his flannel.

I've finally gotten back to my knitting, so rudely interrupted by that moving thing. I should have knitted right through the move, I realize now. Maybe it would have kept me from the Christmas goodies and the cheeseburgers. Now I find my little container garden wilting for lack of care.
I finished sock #1 from the hand-dyed yarn gifted to me by other Marcia and I'm well underway on sock #2. Even though I've recently shed my socks, I do expect to have this pair finished by the end of February when I'll be needing them for our return to the real winter.
Another project I've been working on is gathering supplies for a fun online class I'm going to start soon. This has already required two trips to Joann's so far. One of the things I had to purchase was spray adhesive. When I got to the check-out counter, the clerk (young enough to be my granddaughter) demanded to know my birthdate.
"Huh? How come?" I asked.
"We can't sell spray glue to anyone under 18," she said.
"You've gotta be kidding, right?" I asked....incredulously. But the check-out process came to a screeching halt until I fessed up.
I can't help but wonder where reasonableness has gone. Maybe it disappeared into the black hole of fleece......along with real people answering customer service calls and our new bedroom blinds. I tell ya, it's enough to make a gal wanna sniff glue....


Anonymous said...

The socks are looking rather cool....if I may say so! So does Mr. G. Be glad you are not here...very, very glad. In addition to the deep freeze, they are predicting snow for tomorrow night. That class looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to California.