January 07, 2009

Ice is nice....if it's in your Marguerita!

We've got ice and freezing rain today. Definitely a good time to stay home.
The Mary Kay Wing looks slightly more subdued through an icy window screen. The vinyl siding was delivered the other day and it's a pleasing shade of country green.

Mr. G and I aren't too concerned about this weather since we'll be leaving it all behind on Saturday when we head back out to SoCal. Although my west coast friends tell me it's been a bit on the cool side out there....all the way down into the low 60's....

Yesterday, before the ice onslaught, I decided to break out of the new digs--with its never-ending cardboard box monotony--to get me a dose of fabric therapy. I didn't need any, nor did I have a project in mind, but neither has ever stopped me before.

The red plaid and red polka dots will make a very fashionable cow doll. I do love a cow in red, with a cute little blue print bandana. I'm undecided about the brown spotted piece. I was thinking of a cat. Sorry for the poor picture quality. I've sent a memo to Tech Guy with my list of questions about this new, for-my-own-good photo-editing program. Isn't that what parents do to kids? Decide what's for their own good? Since when did the reverse arrangement become permissible?

So I've been thinking more about the Elvis vest, and I'm remembering a math teacher BCG had in junior high who also wore funny vests. They were made, lovingly, by his wife who owned a fabric store. The two of them ended up in divorce court too. So single women, please beware! Men with a desire for handsewn funky novelty vests may not be suitable husband material.

Here's a fun pattern I bought a while back:

It's by Leah Smith of The Country Cupboard. I do like Santa and the snowman, but I really bought the pattern for the pig. Maybe I'll stitch one up while I'm in SoCal. He can keep
my paper mache pig Priscilla company. I think it's pretty well known that when two pigs get together in the same house, they really like to ham it up.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I go with you? I'll clean your condo, cook your food, anything. I am DONE with this weather....the ice, anyway! Have a good trip and will see you when you return. Maybe a trip to WEBS or NYC when the weather gets better?