December 31, 2008

Some things look better in the snow

Like this, for instance. It used to be right outside Mr. Gadget's new basement office window, but he convinced the construction guys to move it in honor of our arrival. With the wind we've been having......the wind that blew our dirty, mildewed patio chair cushions down the road for all our new neighbors to see....the door to the job johnny has been mostly in the open position. It's nice to see the boys have a good supply of toilet paper. I can only wonder if the construction company supplies it, or if those poor workers have to dip into their parents' stashes.....
I'm thinking of calling my new craft room the Lighthouse. I considered several options: Treehouse: the Next Generation, Treehouse II, and Treehouse: the Sequel, but none of them seemed quite right. The room is full of light, especially now as I await my new up-from-the-bottom or down-from-the top blinds. No one is exactly sure why they didn't come with the rest of the window treatment order, and we've been told no one at the decorating company is working this week. Meanwhile, I have a great view of the snow, the visitors to the job johnny, and the traffic on Route 7 (a major north-south thoroughfare in this part of the country.....well, at least until next fall when a bypass is completed....a bypass that has been delayed for lack of proper designing to insure that salamanders and turtles have unimpeded access to their egg-laying areas). I also have a good view of the condo development's Mary Kay wing .

So Mr. Gadget and I had plans to go to the home of friends this evening for some Chinese take-out and a little bit of holiday cheer, until the weather turned frightful. So we'll stay put in our new digs, have a toast, and see if we can stay awake late enough to watch the ball drop. And I'll be remembering many childhood New Years Eve celebrations spent with my relatives..... my aunt in the kitchen making homemade doughnuts in the deep fryer and my uncle walking over to the big vacant lot across the street at midnight to shoot his gun. Those were exciting times I tell you.....
Happy New Year everyone!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you and Frank! Terry will be in bed LONG before midnight, so I'll be sitting here knitting and watching reruns....

Nancy Anne said...

Marcia - Thanks for a year of wonderful posts and great laughs. I'm looking forward to another year of the same from the new digs - and maybe a picture or two from a new cruise!