December 11, 2008

The Madness

Sorry I haven't been here for a few days. Chalk it up to moving madness. I'm thinking very seriously about climbing into one of these big cardboard boxes and asking Mr. G to tape it shut...nice and securely. That way, I can just pop out when it's over.
In spite of the madness, I did finish the gift angel and delivered it yesterday to the giver.... who was pleased.
I'm happy with the shoe decorations. The hardest part of making them is choosing the right fabric to coordinate with the outfit. Other than that, it's just a simple yoyo with a few beads sewn on.

On Monday I took the train to THE CITY to meet Big City Girl for some nail-polish shopping. No, not really. It's just that I couldn't resist this photo op with the hot pink gloves and the colorful bottles of nail polish. We had tickets to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular.

This is my favorite part....where the soldiers fall down backwards after the make-believe cannon goes BOOM!

I received my calendar order a few days ago and was happy with the result, even though one or two characters ended up with painful head issues. I chose the cat for the cover for no particular reason other than I had to choose someone. Don't those whiskers look perky? For years I've agonized over cat and bunny whiskers. I finally found just the thing at the dollar store. Sisal twine. I've got enough to last me a century.

Looks like my birthday will be on a Tuesday next year. Maybe I can look forward to a nice dinner out, since Mr. Gadget won't be watching Monday Night Football.....


Anonymous said...

The cookies were great, by the way...thanks! Love the calendar and wonder if I have time to do some for Christmas presents with the grandkids' pictures?

Kendy said...
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kathy b said...

You are so funny looking up your birthday falling on day! I love your angels shoes. Your attention to detail is amazing!