December 21, 2008

"I didn't get the memo," said the weatherman.

So I guess the weatherman thought he'd test our resolve about this moving idea of ours.

For years we've wished for a white Christmas and have been sorely disappointed. This year we wished for nice sunny, maybe even balmy weather so we could move through the move without being soggy, cold and cranky. Disappointed again.

I think I had the right idea all along. No muss, no fuss, plenty of procrastination.
Sorry about the lack of picture editing. That program is on the other computer....the one that's already packed..... and you know about my limited techno skills. But I am developing some moving expertise. And a few bruises too. Oh, and I think I'm going to need a manicure.....


Anonymous said...

Wow, no matter how much you moved, I'm impressed! Your fan and Merry Christmas, too!

Maddie Can Fly said...

You're so brave to even think about moving this time of year. Hope the snow doesn't get you all down -- be careful! And Merry Christmas.

kathy b said...

Merry Merry Christmas Marcia. Movin or not! Hope santa was good