December 04, 2008

Holiday sightings

Have you seen these on the roads around your town? Rudolph cars. Big red nose on front and antlers stuck to the side windows with suction cups. How much more festive can you get? I'm trying to talk Mr. G into getting one of these get-ups for his sports car.

And now that we've scheduled the movers, Mr. G says we'll need to address the issue of dusty ceiling fan blades as soon as the rooms are empty of furniture.
I'm from the school of housework that subscribes to the notion that if you can't see the dirt, it's of no consequence. But Mr. G knows it's there and it bugs him. He even suggested long ago that we buy a dust mop with a long handle--especially designed for cleaning these. But it's conveniently hidden out of sight and so it's also of no consequence. There are so many other, more interesting things to do in life.

For instance, making one more doll for a special friend who wants to give it to a special friend as a Christmas gift.
I never like my doll projects at this stage. I'm always sure they're destined for the scrap heap. But they usually clean up nicely, with hair and accessories and little doodads of one sort or another. My friend was hesitant to ask me about making a doll, what with our moving project well underway. But I assured her I had body parts readily available for the particular character she wanted. Well, except for the feet. I'd packed the pattern in a box somewhere, so I had to sketch one up.

Another thing, besides ceiling fan dust, that makes Mr. G squeamish is to see a big clump of sheep wool, I mean doll hair, drying near the kitchen sink. Maybe I'll take pity on him. Maybe I'll move it away from his teapot. Right after I finish decorating my car.....


Anonymous said...

Swiffer has a telescoping, long-handled wand-like thing that takes the new fluffy and very effective. I'm going to do my ceiling fan for the first time ever tomorrow. In fact, this duster is so much fun, there are quite a few things that have received their first dusting since I got it! (LOVE those antlers and noses....tempting.)

kathy b said...

Oh dear. Fireman sees all the hidden dirt too! He actually purchases things for our home based on how much dirt they may collect.

I want antlers and a car nose... I havent seen them in these here parts

Anonymous said...

Why I just saw one of those cars with antlers-in-opposite-front-windows at a shopping area today - way up here in Rochester, NY! Found it quite amusing.