July 31, 2008

Thursday thoughts

I was feeling smug, like we'd conquered the ants, and then I noticed a whole battalion doing laps around the kitchen window frame.
Sometimes I think it would be fun to have a little garden of some kind, even though I'm not home enough to give it regular care. But maybe a nice cactus garden would survive....and a giant pineapple growing out of the roof.
Tomorrow I'm going to have coffee with the nice friend who made me this apple pie tablecoth.On Saturday, Mr. Gadget and I will be attending the ladybug/dragonfly/tissue-paper-flower wedding in Bakersfield. The terrain will look quite different from the Block Island landscape where we attended a wedding two years ago.
But knowing my family, I'm sure there will be a few characters.
After I return to Connecticut at the end of next week, I'll be having my annual physical. Thankfully I've still got enough mileage left on the ol' odometer to avoid this unpleasant experience:
Our condo neighbors always act like they're happy to see us each time we arrive, but I think they're just being nice. During one of our visits, there was a fire at a condo unit just down the sidewalk.
Then, a couple of visits ago, there was a murder/suicide down the street at another unit. And just a few days ago there was an earthquake. We are a dynamic duo who really make things happen.....
And now I hear the Yankees have signed Pudge Rodriguez to help them race to the finish line. Of course, they didn't ask my opinion, but if they had I would have told them that what they really need is a pitcher, not a catcher. Or maybe a prayer.
And as for Obama and McCain.....well, I really don't get into politics on this blog.....but really.....can't they just get over it?
Stay tuned. Next time.....a pig tale.


Anonymous said...

Awe, gee whiz, the ants are back! I was feeling smug too! Bad stuff happens a lot around here....it's not you two! We did Vegas and lost it all, ourselves....."Where is that barrel you said I could wear home Mr. H? He didn't even gamble but he ate nearly two prime ribs after I got sick on the liguor he plied me with!

Anonymous said...

We used to get accused of bringing the rain every time we went out to the ranch in Kansas, but that was a good thing! I'm planning the trip to WEBS for the August sale, by the way!

kathy b said...

I so love that applie pie tablecloth. Beautiful.