July 12, 2008

Hamming it up

I've decided to embark on my paper mache pig project....now that Mr. Gadget is satisfied with his new computer and has relinquished the packing materials.

I've had to improvise during the glue-drying process, to make sure the legs don't cave in. Mr. G would have used special clamps, levers and pulleys I'm sure, but I'm just a simple gal who loves nothing more than to scout around for my own kinda gadgety tools.....which work quite well, by the way. I haven't decided exactly what the next step will be, although I don't think it'll be ready for the mache right away. It might need some kind of filler material added--to get a nice plump pig. I certainly hope it resembles a pig when I'm done, but I'm not making any promises. It's all about whimsy here on this blog.

On Monday morning, Mr. G and I will be sailing a short ways across the sea to Catalina Island for an overnight stay. We're looking forward to it......well, except for this. It was on the front page of the newspaper this morning.
I do have fond memories of pre-gangster visits to Catalina. It's where my high school senior class went for Senior Ditch Day--a whole day of wearing Bermuda shorts and forgetting Trigonometry.

In those days, it took about two hours to get to the island on the big white steamship.

There was plenty of time to dance and cavort, and maybe flirt with a cute boy.....if the seas were calm and your stomach was cooperating. Now it takes just an hour to get to Catalina on a speedier boat with airplane seats and no dance floor. The old steamship isn't quite what she used to be. She hasn't aged gracefully.

Here she sits, barely recognizable, in the harbor at Ensenada, Mexico, providing a home for seals and a little adventure for scavengers.

So Mr. G and I will be heading out to Costco in a few minutes. He seems to think we need a nice, new carry-on bag for our mini-cruise. I tried to convince him that I have two Trader Joe shopping bags with sturdy handles that would work just fine, but he won't hear of it.....

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