July 23, 2008

Out of alignment

I haven't read my 2008 astrological forecast......I usually just read my daily horoscope to see if getting out of bed is worthwhile......but I'm pretty sure I'm in one of those retrogrades. It's entirely possible Saturn is transiting my House of Handiwork. First it was the red pest sweater with all of its issues. Then it was the Noro sock and the too-small needles....and did I mention the yarn was broken and re-joined mid-skein completely destroying the signature Noro blended look?
Now, on top of all that, my pig has le molde.
The instructions on the box of paper mache said it would cover anything, but apparently not. And since I certainly wasn't willing to let my hours of sculpting efforts (and delayed lunch) go to waste, I called on Mr. Gadget for a scientific opinion. He suggested a trip to Home Depot, where he was sure we could find some mold-resistant primer. The helpful person there (just like in the old days) suggested applying bleach and water first. By the way, I didn't dare let on, of course, that this was for a pig-construction project. It's now looking much better, and will soon be dry and ready for some sandpaper.....also from Home Depot. Who knew they were a craft store?I can only wonder what the mail lady must think of us when she comes up to deposit mail in our door slot. Today she was greeted by a paper pig sitting in a chair on the front porch and smelling of bleach. Last week it was the beady-eyed barkrat. We're lucky we even get mail.

So Mr. Gadget and I have been battling little black ants here in the condo. They haven't yet gotten the message to retreat, in spite of two treatments by a little man wearing a mask.
I've offered to package them up (I think a Snickers bar would lure them into one of those big Priority Mail envelopes) and send them to my cousin for the upcoming wedding....you know, to join in the fun with the ladybugs and dragonflies, but she politely declined. Seems not everyone on the wedding-planning committee has a sense of humor. So sad.....
So I guess until a solution is found, or a better battle plan, we'll try to co-exist with the ants. After all, we are here in sunny California with the nice afternoon sea breezes. What's a few ants in our cereal? In a couple of weeks we'll be back in hot, sticky Connecticut with bats in our bedroom......


Anonymous said...

Find out where the ants are entering the condo and draw a chalk line so they won't cross over it and come inside. This really works. Also get Grant's ant stakes at hardware store and put in ground outside condo. No more ants at very little expense.......

kathy b said...

Listen the PIG rules. I love love love it.