January 27, 2008

Temporary factory shutdown

Things have been cranking right along here at the factory. The tissue paper flower assembly line is in full swing and ladybugs are flying off the conveyor belt at a good clip. It's very quiet though. That's because all of my imaginary helpers don't say much while they work.
I did shut down the whole operation yesterday, however, to accompany Mr. Gadget on a trip to Palm Springs to visit one of his former co-workers. Here's the road between Interstate 10 and Palm Springs. It looks pretty much like the Road to Nowhere but trust me, an oasis lies just over the horizon.After we arrived, it wasn't long before this little puff-ball found my lap. I guess I'm not the only one who comes from good hair. And would you look at those highlights! We took a walk through their yard where I noticed this interesting sun mosaic and thought I should photograph it for it's embroidery potential. Then I remembered I'd already stitched this one:

Our friends have several fruit trees in their yard, and they generously packed up a nice sampler bag of citrus for us to take home. After a very tasty Mexican lunch at a nearby restaurant, we hit the road....hoping to miss the heavy rain in the forecast. There's been quite a bit of rain in southern California lately, and the mountains are looking downright wintry.

So now I'm back, and the factory machinery is once again humming right along. I'm not sure what became of my imaginary helpers though. Maybe they're still on their coffee break.....


Anonymous said...

testing your comments. test. test.

Jen said...

You have imaginary helpers too? I thought I was the only one. Sometimes I think it's little elves that get my work done during the night.