January 29, 2008

Reading between the ladybugs

Sometimes I put my needle and thread down long enough to read. Yesterday Mr. Gadget and I went to the local library to check out some books. My love of libraries began back in elementary school when I'd walk two-by-two with my classmates to the public library every couple of weeks. This was called Library Day, and was not to be confused with Bank Day which happened every so often when we brought our bank books to school along with money for a small deposit. Someone from the school staff would take them to the bank for us....we didn't actually walk there ourselves. I remember mine was blue and it had a string I could wrap around one of those little circle thingies to keep it closed. But anyway, back to the library. Instead of using this little tiny book to record all of my reasons for doing housework, I've decided to use it for keeping track of books I'd like to read. Now, rather than having titles written on little scraps of this and that, I'll have them all in one place and easy to carry in my purse. The only possible downside to using a little book like this is if you end up having to hand it over to the library information person when you need help finding one of your books in the stacks. It's very likely they'll give you a funny look....

I found this book while browsing through the books on writing (section 808 if you're interested). As I've mentioned before, I like to write and there's always plenty to learn and lots of room for improvement. Someday I may actually decide to write my memoirs, so it will be helpful to be prepared. Somewhere I read that memoir writing can be intimidating to some people, so a good way to start is to just pick an experience from your life and write a page or two about it. Keep doing that until you have a nice stack, and then just put them in date order. I wonder if I can count my blog as my memoirs.....

This is a book I purchased and for quite a while it was my bedtime reading. That is, until I started getting sleepy and drifting off...only to be rudely awakened when all 650 pages of it fell on my nose. Mr. Gadget is incredulous that I'm reading a book about a scientist, but I've assured him I'm not reading it for the science. I'm intrigued by how Einstein's creative mind worked. I think I remember reading that some of his scientific breakthroughs came while he was bathing. Funny....that's when I have most of my great ideas too. For Einstein it was the Theory of Relativity. For me it was the brilliant solution for permanently attaching carrot noses to snowmen faces.

I found this book right here in the condo and I'm sure it belonged to dear ol' dad. He learned to cook late in life and found much enjoyment out of planning meals and having friends over. I'm not a big fan of cooking. In fact, this cookbook would be better suited to me if it was titled How to Cook When You'd Really Rather Not. But I have made a few recipes from this book and Mr. G seemed happy enough with the results. What I like best about this book, though, is how efficiently it weights down a craft project while the glue dries.....


Anonymous said...

Now that is writing and those are books and the ladybugs are cute and really add to the photos...my hat is off to you!

Something happened to the blogger timer though as it's only 6:20 PST

Anonymous said...

Make that 1/30 6:20 am pst....you can't tell everything from these computers

Unknown said...

So, I gather you would not be interested in my latest bread books? I do have a few good knitting ones for you, though.