January 11, 2008

Over the hill

Sometimes travelers to England say they're going "across the pond." I guess you could say Mr. Gadget and I will be going "over the hill" tomorrow when we head back out west for a winter visit. And once again I'm trying to finish one final blog post before he pulls the plug on the laptop. I think I have a few minutes while I sit here waiting for the dryer to beep---so he'll be able to finish his packing and size up his suitcase for space availability. I've got dibs on it. I took a big bite out of Yarn Mountain so I can work on this, and I'm going to need all the nooks and crannies I can find.

I'll be transporting this fiber for a good cause. We have zero afghans in the condo. Actually, I'm not sure I can call it fiber since it's 100% acrylic. But a useful afghan is a washable afghan I always say. Just in case someone spills beer or salsa on it while watching a football game or something....

I've jotted down a list, on a handy 3 x 5 card, of projects I plan to work on while I'm out there.
  • crocheted afghan, but of course!
  • an embroidered Santa for the mantle series
  • tissue paper flowers
  • continue work on my family history project
  • design a new blog banner...yeah, I know this one's getting old
  • make a few more travel tissue holders
  • clean out a couple of closets
  • figure out how to download books to my MP-3 player
  • walk for exercise (while listening to books--see above)

A few words of explanation. My cousin's daughter, who was at dear ol' dad's memorial celebration, was quite taken with the tissue paper flowers I made for table decorations. She paid me the most wonderful compliment when she told me she'd like some for her wedding. Good thing I saved the pattern.

The family history project, which I mentioned long ago (I've got to figure out how to link to old posts....I'd better put that on my list too), is a compilation of family folklore I'm gathering from the years' worth of almost-weekly letters I wrote to my folks, and then, after my mom passed away, to my dad. He saved them all. Did I ever mention how he saved plastic bags? While cleaning out the condo, I found that he'd stashed them in every nook and cranny--like a person sprinkling popcorn pellets into empty spaces in a package. Or maybe like someone stuffing yarn in a suitcase. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree....

So I should be in good shape for projects while I'm out there. And if I do, by some slim chance, run out of things to do, I can always join up with the curmudgeons on their code-enforcement patrols. I'm good at making signs.

Better go. Here comes Mr. G and he's got that look in his eye like he's ready to discontinue life support......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I LIKE your banner! Will be sorry to see it go. Hope you have a good trip and will have internet "on the other side"! As for the mp3 player thing...if you had said iPod, maybe I could have helped. I'm getting almost proficient at some of it....Ann thinks I'm a real geek.